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Scuba Dive Center
Raja Ampat
Safety is for Tarzan-Diving, dive center Raja Ampat a matter of heart.
Our whole equipment is regularly serviced. From the boat engine, to the dive equipment, to the compressor. We follow standard safety procedures, regarding maintenance equipment. Starts from changing oil and filters of the engines and compressor, maintenance dive equipment up to hydrostatic test of the scuba tanks.
Because of the current, Raja Ampat can be a quiet tricky dive area. We do check dive, in quiet a dive site with every customer, regardless of dive certification, before entering current. We and you yourself make sure the equipment is well working, even rental or the own and you`re familiar with it. Make sure you`re body is in good conditions and no issues like problem to equalize. We check dive experience and buoyancy and plan our dives, based on dive level and experience. Diving in small groups, beginner groups even smaller. We give briefing before every single dive, show maps of the dive site and repeat the dive signals. We follow Padi dive standards, stay within our limits and dive level and don`t do any decompression dives. We don`t touch anything to protect marine life and the divers, cause venomous species may cause injuries.
All our guides are using SMB (safety marker buoys) to ascend. But we still recommend bringing your own SMB in case you get separated from the group. We also provide dive hooks for every diver, for more relaxed dives even in current.

We have lifejackets on board and stay in touch with our dive center during dive trips. The whole crew is familiar with the emergency chain, first aid procedure and contact numbers in case of an emergency. We always have 100% oxygen and first aid kit on board and in the dive center.
We also provide drinking water on every dive trip, to prevent dehydration.
Safety is also the responsibility of every diver himself. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited before diving. Some things are obvious, some can`t be seen. Please be honest to yourself. There might be days, you`re not good in mental or physical shape. Don`t take a risk. Have a word with us. A short chat often finds good solutions.
For certified divers, visiting Raja Ampat, we recommend having their own dive computer, mask, reef hock, SMB and auditory signal like horn or whistle. Divers often struggle with rental mask, due to the induvial faces. The own perfect mask, makes diving more enjoyable. Your computer records you own dive profile, for you personal safety. Especially if you`re joining different dive companies on a holiday.
If you love night dives bring your own torch.
You barely get equipment in Raja Ampat.
The next hyperbaric chamber in the unlikely event of a dive accident is in Sorong. There is also one in Waisai but does not conform to international standards. The health system in Raja Ampat has very low standard. It is mandatory in Indonesia to have a dive insurance. If you don`t have one. Don`t worry, we help you getting a short term insurance. In case of an accident or sickness, make sure you get the best medical help.

Hyperbaric chamber

Don`t take a risk stay safe and healthy. Only take the good parts of paradise. Please ask the crew of Tarzan-Diving for short term insurance.
Long Term Dive Insurance
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